
The Department of Biology and Biotechnology offers the Master Programme in Molecular Biology and Genetics, an intensive 2-year, full-time, second level degree (Biology class) entirely taught in English and designed for graduates at the BA level who are seeking a qualification in advanced areas of Biology, with special attention to Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Microbiology. Graduates will acquire a strong theoretical and methodological background relevant to both basic and applied aspects of these disciplines.

Students attending the Master Programme in Molecular Biology and Genetics come from European and extra-European countries. Every year, several foreign Visiting and Exchange students join the course thanks to the ERASMUS programme and other specific exchange programmes promoting internationalization and cultural exchange.

Students will have the possibility to choose between two different curricula: Molecular Life Science or Molecular and Digital Biology.



The curriculum in Molecular Life Sciences (MLS) of the Master Degree Program in Molecular Biology and Genetics has been designed around the needs and requirements of students who want to acquire a strong theoretical and methodological background relevant to both basic and applied aspects of Biology, with special attention to Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Microbiology. This curriculum is characterized by a strong practical component (hands-on) constituted by an internship in a research laboratory carried out under the supervision of a faculty member.

This curriculum will provide a state-of-the-art knowledge and training in biomolecular sciences, including the most recent advances in genomics and proteomics of human and animal organisms, in the study of biomolecular structures and their connection to function, and in the genetic manipulation of bacteria, human and animal cells and seed plants.

Compulsory courses are: Advanced Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Cellular Biochemistry, Developmental Biology, Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Human Molecular Genetics, Methods in Biochemistry, Microbial Genetics, Molecular Microbiology, Molecular Pharmacology, Structural Biology and Pharmacology. The following courses will also be offered as elective: Advanced Microscopy, Molecular Entomology, Molecular Genetics, Immunology.

The programme will also provide expertise in the technologies required for the utilization of microorganisms, animals and plants as factories for the production of biologically active molecules, including therapeutic compounds.

Students are expected to carry out a scientific investigation under the supervision of a faculty member (36 credits). The experimental work carried out during the two year-Degree must result into a Dissertation (Master of Sciences) that will represent an essential component of the Course programme. In this context, graduates will benefit from the informal atmosphere between staff and students that is traditional in our University. For the experimental component of the Curriculum each student will be associated to a research group and actively participate in one of the group’s research projects. The duration of the internship for thesis is two academic years (four semesters).

Job profile

The Master Program in Molecular Biology and Genetics - Curriculum in Molecular Life Sciences offers a successful introduction for different types of jobs throughout society. Graduates will find work opportunities in a wide range of fields and institutions, including a possible continuation of the study towards a qualified Ph. D. degree for a career in the academic or research organization world, or employment in the health sector, in biotech companies, in agrobusiness research, in the communication media, as well as for teaching in the private or public sectors.


The curriculum in Molecular and Digital Biology (MDB) of the Master's Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics is focused on the analysis and integration of biological data generated by applying the high-throughput approaches that characterize modern "omic" techniques. This curriculum has been activated in response to the development of high-throughput technologies dedicated to genome analyses and to the growing request of Biologists specialised in their application and the analysis.

Students will be able customize 27 credits of their curriculum choosing courses from sets of Basic (Basic Molecular Biology, Basic Biochemistry, Basic Microbiology, Basic Genetics and Cell Biology) and Advanced (Structural Biology, Cellular Biochemistry, Molecular Microbiology, Human Molecular Genetics). Compulsory courses are: Bioinformatics, Advanced Molecular Biology, Molecular Pharmacology, Statistics and Big Data Analysis, Laboratory of Advanced Bioinformatics for Omics Sciences, Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Pharmacogenomics and Cancer Genomics. The following courses will also be offered as optional: Advanced Microscopy, Immunology, Molecular Entomology, Molecular Genetics.

A variety of teaching methods, including "hands-on" genomics and bioinformatics, problem-based learning, group projects, journal clubs and seminars, will be adopted.

During the last semester, students are expected to carry out a scientific investigation under the supervision of a faculty member (30 credits). The internship will focus on the bioinformatic analysis of "big data" and "big datasets" obtained through omics. The experimental work must result into a Dissertation (Master of Sciences) that will represent an essential component of the Course program. In this context, graduates will benefit from the informal atmosphere between staff and students that is traditional in our University. For the experimental component of the Curriculum each student will be associated to a research group and actively participate in one of the group’s research projects. The duration of the internship for thesis is one semester.

This curriculum includes a Laboratory of advanced bioinformatics for omics sciences that offers hands-on activities focused the analysis with cloud computing tools of biological data.

Job profile

The Master Program in Molecular Biology and Genetics - Curriculum in Molecular and Digital Biology offers a successful introduction for different types of jobs throughout society. Graduates will find work opportunities in a wide range of fields and institutions, including a possible continuation of the study towards a qualified Ph. D. degree for a career in the academic or research organization world, or employment in the health sector, in biotech companies, in agrobusiness research, in the communication media, as well as for teaching in the private or public sectors. Graduates will be able to analyse and handle big data obtained in the private and public sector also outside the biological context. Graduates will contribute to the spreading and development of the scientific and technical innovation in the biological and molecular field. Graduates will be able to manage new molecular techniques and technologies.